Let your taste buds run wild with this fresh, spicy smoothie bowl with turmeric and ginger.
These beneficial herbs are part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle for a reason, their health benefits and medicinal quality are endless!

50 g Low-fat Greek yogurt.
50 ml Almond milk (unsweetened)
75 g Frozen mango cubes.
25 g Frozen banana.
Piece of fresh ginger. (+ - 5 g)
1 tsp Turmeric powder.
0.5 tsp Cinnamon
(Optional) Vanilla protein powder.
(If you prefer not to use a protein powder, you can add extra yogurt or banana)

25 g Blueberries.
15 g Mango pieces.
15 g Homemade granola.
Sprig of fresh mint.
1 tsp coconut grater
Peel the ginger en chop finely.
Mix all smoothie ingredients in a blender to a smooth emulsion.
Pour it into your favorite bowl.
Chop fresh mint and garnish with the toppings.
Enjoy, your day!