Super fast and easy pastry that is ideal as a protein-rich dessert or snack... as well as an ideal breakfast or snack on-the-go because you can make these in advance! This can also be made perfectly as "just one" without guilt!
1 pastry:
1 egg
1 g Baking powder.
10 g (smart / lean / casein, whey) vanilla protein powder.
10 ml of unsweetened almond milk.
20 g apple (peeled into fine cubes).
5 g raisins
10 g peanut butter.
2 g roasted almond flakes.
A pinch of Cinnamon.
Pinch of salt.
Beat protein powder, baking powder, a pinch of salt and cinnamon with the egg in a microwave-safe dish.
Add the almond milk while stirring to an even smooth batter and arrange the apples and raisins in the bowl.
Cover with a plate.
Microwave 45-60 sec. At 800W (rather a level lower than to high).
Intverval 30sec. (open microwave when cake rises above the edge, close when dropped)
Ready! Enjoy!